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Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

[interview] SHINee Interview on Asian Place July 2011 – Part (1)

- To begin with, congratulations on your debut in Japan!
First, tell us about each member’s role or character.
Key: I’m SHINee’s energizer?
Minho: I think my nickname “flaming charisma” fits me very well for my character who dislikes giving up.
Taemin: I’m team’s maknae who is always adored by everyone? (laugh) I’ll show my aegyo a lot in Japan too.
Jonghyun: I’m in charge of being joyful, a character helpng smooth, adjusting things to go well
Onew: And I’m in charge of SHINee’s leader
- That’s very concise. How did you feel when you heard about your debut in Japan, and what did you do to prepare for it?
Minho: All our members were very happy. Frankly speaking, we got nervous but felt we’d love to show our music and performances to Japanese fans. While recording the debut song in Japanese we studied Japanese watching Japanese movies or dramas. I think it is part of the process of learning more about Japan.
Jonghyun: I’m glad we can study Japanese culture and contribute to cultural exchange between both countries
- We saw Key’s tears when you announced your Japan debut during your live in the Yoyogi stadium last year. Did you have lots of thoughts?
Key: First off, it was our fist time to perform on such a big stage. I couldn’t see the audience well when we started our live, but when I was able to see fans at the ending I was touched very much. And at the happy news about our debut in Japan, I was moved into tears.
Minho: It was meaningful because it was our first solo live.
Jonghyun: The ending song was “One.” When I glanced at Minho standing next to me, he was singing very sincerely. I got teary with lots of memories with members coming to my mind.
- Do you have such moments of feeling with members during your live?
Onew: Yes, we do so when we have eye contacts with each other on stage. We try to adjust through talk while practicing, but at the end, we can feel what other members are thinking through our eyes.
- While you spend time together, do you get influenced by each other, for instance, training or singing skills, or food taste?
Key: Yes! As for food, thanks to Taemin, I got to like meat, which I didn’t like that much before.
Taemin: (Looking at Key) my way of thinking has changed a little. I thought I would change naturally inside when I turn 20, but now I think someone doesn’t change like that simply because he gets older (laugh).
Jonghyun: Taemin now likes exercising at a gym thanks to Minho and me? (laugh)
Taemin: Right, we get to learn from each other. I learn about singing from Onew hyung and Jonghyun hyung, Minho hyung gives me advice. Key hyung gives me tips related to fashion.
- You mention fashion. What is your fashion point as fashion leaders?
Key: I think our concept is ‘contemporary boys’ that is what SHINee are, natural, cool, and friendly.
- What music and dance styles do you like?
Key: I listen to almost all the new songs I like. I like urban (modern dance music with rap) and pops.
Minho: I like R&B or ballad, and like tough dance performance.
Taemin: I think music and dance are the same in the end in delivering music. I like songs with strong beat I can show dance performance to.
Jonghyun: I listen to punky music like Maroon5 or T.O.P. Recently I’m learning guitar.
Onew: I like and listen to old pop a lot.
- You like different styles. What ritual do you have before recording?
Taemin: I do vocal exercises, pull my voice together, and drink lots of water
Minho: Before recording, I practice listening to the song several times. It makes me feel less nervous and feel like I can sing better.
Onew: It’s important to practice listening to the song again and again.
Jonghyun: I try to understand the lyrics completely, and then to sing to express the feelings
- Then, what do you do before your performance on stage?
Minho: We stand in a circle and shout “Fighting~”
Taemin: Shouting “Fighting!” helps clear our throat (laugh). So we can’t skip “Fighting!”

[Korean Trans by 88@DC Shinee Gallery | English Trans by jujugal]

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